July 29th, 2015 / Posted by
The RMSL Playoffs will start the week of 8/16. The top five teams in each division will qualify for the playoffs. The fourth and fifth place teams will play a best of 3 series from 8/16 thru 8/23. The 4th and 5th place teams should plan on playing three games that week. Your team could play on either Sunday or only on weekdays. Send your preferences to [email protected].
All playoff games will be on the Lighted Field. There will be no games on Labor Day weekend (Friday thru Monday). All playoff games in September will start after 7:30.
This Week’s Playoff Schedule
October 6 | Tue | 7:30 | ScrapIt | Grays | LIGHTED | D1 Finals |
October 6 | Tue | 8:45 | Flaming Moes | Red Wolves | LIGHTED | D4 Finals |
* If Necessary